How to Manage Your Chronic Pain Noninvasively

Many people have endured chronic pain at some point in their lives. If this condition is interfering with the quality of your life, the Matawan pain management specialist at NJ Spine and Wellness can help you. Several treatments can be employed to manage your condition depending on your individual needs. Therefore, start by talking to the provider about your symptoms, and together you will identify the most suitable treatment option for you. You may benefit from the following conservative and minimally invasive options before opting for surgery.

Over-the-counter Medications

Some common types of over-the-counter medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be used to manage chronic pain. They can also reduce inflammation and swelling. However, long-term use of these medications has potential side effects, and your provider will help you know when to stop taking the medications and what next.

You can also use over-the-counter topical creams to relieve pain particularly associated with muscle aches and arthritis.

Prescription Medications

Depending on the severity of your painful condition, over-the-counter medications may not be effective. In such cases, your provider may prescribe something more robust to help relieve your symptoms. Your provider may prescribe opioids such as codeine, morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. Other medications may include nonopioids such as aspirin and adjuvant analgesics such as anticonvulsants and antidepressants.

Antidepressants will affect how your brain processes pain, making them effective in managing several types of pain. They can also help manage the mental and emotional symptoms of chronic pain such as anxiety and depression.

Trigger Point Injections

This involves injecting a local anesthetic or a steroid on a trigger point within your muscles to relieve pain in the area. However, not everyone has these trigger areas. They are common to people with certain complications such as myofascial pain syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, and fibromyalgia.

Alternative Therapies

This is where you take a more active role in pain management and lessen the need for medications and more invasive treatment options. Upon consultation with your provider, you might benefit from physical therapies, behavioral therapies, and cognitive therapies.

Regular exercises are essential for managing chronic pain. They can strengthen your muscles, improve sleep, release endorphins, increase joint mobility, and reduce overall pain.

Some relaxation techniques can also be recommended as part of your treatment plan as they help decrease muscle tension and reduce stress. Your provider may recommend yoga, massage, and meditation. Yoga can offer more benefits of improving flexibility and strengthening your muscles.

Regenerative medicine

This medical field specializes in injection treatments that utilize naturally occurring substances such as cells and growth factors to promote tissue growth and repair. Stem cells and platelet-rich plasma are the primary regenerative medicine therapies widely used and can help you get back to your quality life.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

This is a treatment option involving the stimulation of the spinal nerves responsible for signaling your brain. This interrupts the communication, and you might experience less pain. However, the procedure is minimally invasive, where you have to undergo an implantation procedure to fit the spinal cord stimulator. You control the stimulator through a remote device.

Do not battle chronic pain any longer. Let the experienced providers at NJ Spine and Wellness help you through customized pain management treatment plans. Your provider ensures that surgery comes last, depending on the nature of your condition.